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You are downloading the PTV xServer .NET Demo Center as a self-contained executable that requires no further installation and can be started right away. Please refer to the section Troubleshooting below in case you encounter any problems.
The PTV xServer .NET Demo Center is part of a full-featured SDK, that provides the Demo Center's source along with other components and samples. More information on PTV xServer .NET can be found here.
Please note that the PTV xServer .NET Demo Center requires internet access as it accesses PTV xServer hosted in PTV's computing center.
Being written in C# and targetting the Microsoft .NET Platform, the PTV xServer .NET Demo Center requires at least Microsoft .NET 4.5.1 to be present on your machine. In case the Demo Center reports Microsoft .NET missing, you may download the runtime from Microsoft's Download Center.
In case you encounter any problems or require further assistance please contact the PTV xServer support.